
Postdocotoral opening

In partnership with FRIB Theory Alliance we are currently advertising an open FRIB Theory Fellow position: Please find further information and apply using the following link


Graduate and Undgraduate research

Our group is pleased to offer opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in doing research and perusing higher education in areas of

  • low-energy nuclear structure
  • nuclear reactions
  • quantum many-body theory
  • open quantum systems
  • chaos and non-linear dynamics
  • physics of mesoscopic systems.
  • quantum information science

There are numerous possibilities for collaborative projects involving experimental nuclear physics, astrophysics, hadron physics and condensed matter. Students in our group benefit from a productive scientific environment, including weekly journal clubs, working with projects that use most advanced scientific computing, opportunities to present their work at national and international meetings.

We make every effort to prepare students for successful careers. We offer participation in grant proposals, competitions, workshops, outreach programs, summer school, and opportunities for an additional training at national labs and other scientific centers.

For additional information please contact Dr. Alexander Volya.

Published on  September 3rd, 2021