Running CoSMo
1) Create xml file that identifies your system. The xml can be created by hand, copied and editied. The general structure of xml format is discussed here. The program cosmoxml or xcosmo that works with the database of all interactions provides a convenient way of creating a custom xml file.
> cosmoxml
2) Create many-body basis
Xsysmbs myfile.xml
3) Create many-body Hamiltonian
> XHH+JJ myfile.xml
4) Diagonalize your Hamiltonian (10 states by default, run with no arguments to see options). For small matrices use exactev (texactev or texactevEigen) (whichever provided) for full diagonalization
> davidson_file myfile.HH
5) create list of states and determine their spin and isospin quantum numbers
> XSHLJT myfile.xml
6) Compute EM transitions
> XSHLEMB myfile.xml -o output.xml
7) Compute spectroscopic factors
> XSHLSF myfile1.xml -f myfile2.xml
8) Compute occupation numbers
> XSHLAO myfile.xml
After xml database is populated with levels you can see an organized list with Xlevels myfile.xml
If you want to create or update your xml with a new system, say for a different parity, you can run
cosmoxml myfile.xml [-o output.xml]
At all times you can look at xml file it is a regular text file. All data is in xml. You can edit and copy it to modify your job or to create new jobs.